

Hey Everyone!

I'm a little new at see, I'm writing for a friend whose
sister has been diagnosed with PD for three years now.  She does not
have access to the "WEB".  She is 47 years old and lives in West
Virginia.  She would like to know if anybody out there has
experienced any type of bladder difficulties while on Ametadine(sp?)
and would also like to know if anyone knows of any web sites
regarding "sexual"desires and PD?  Please respond so I can send any
messages to her.  I find it really exciting to be able to communicate
with all of you!  You see, I'm a teacher in Myrtle Beach, South
Carolina and find it rather difficult to find the time to write.
Thanks to all of you for all of your valuable information for her!
She would love to receive mail!  Would you like for me to provide an
address?  HAVE A GOOD DAY!