

[log in to unmask] wrote:
> Anybody,
> Have you ever heard of Pycnogenol?  What other vitamin and natural (?)
> medicines are PD people taking to supplement their Doctor medicine?  And my
> husband has been killing all the dandelions when they might be useful for a
> cure-all tea?  I've been reading herbal remedy books.  This Pycnogenol comes
> from the bark of a pine tree?  Maybe cat fur is good for you,  I've got
> plenty of that around.  I'm feeling alittle down.
> Patricia
> 60, 1year,6 months

I'm not sure if I am duplicating myself but here goes:
RELIV is a complete nutritional supplement.  It has all the vitamins,
minerals, trace elements, herbs, amino acids and protein necessary for
good health and nutrition.
It was developed by Dr. Ted Kalogris, who is a renown biochemist.  It’s
the best on the market.  If you were to try to by all the vitamins
minerals, etc individually at a health food store it would cost you a
small fortune, AND you would have to guess what amounts are right to
take.  This is  perfectly balanced and the e results that people get
from it are nothing short of miraculous.  It seems to help all sorts of
conditions from allergies to M.S.  I experienced at least a 200%
increase in my energy level when I started taking it almost 2 years ago.
 I would be happy to give you more information if you want to call me at
my home.  This is sold only by independent distributors of which I am
one.  I want to be quick to say I am not saying this has cured my PD,
but it definitely has made my quality of life better and that is worth
the cost.

Marty Rose  56/10yrs.
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