

Ernie Peters wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I am having a frustrating period and wondered if anyone has experienced
> similar symptoms to mine.
> Quick reminder of my history: Diagnosed 2 yrs 9 mths ago after sudden onset
> of right arm shaking on reaching out for phone etc, balance slightly
> affected (a bit like drinking a strong beer on an empty stomach), noticed I
> was carrying right arm bent bent almost as if in an invisible loose sling.
> Condition rapidly worsened over 4 months then came under control with
> Eldepryl 10mg/day and Sinemet CR taken one in morning and one in evening and
> retirement from work. The period till end of Feb this year was really pretty
> good, not much I could not do.
> At end Feb this year following the adverse medical report on Eldepryl
> neurologist suggested I come off Eldepryl. He, "Doubted that I would notice
> any difference".  Well at first I did not, but gradually noticed longish
> slow periods in the middle of the day.  The Neurologist did not examine me
> this time because there was nothing much I could not do and at the time felt
> pretty good.  He did examine me on the previous occasion  and suggested that
> I could always take a half sinemet CR at midday as perhaps I was slightly
> under dosed.  I did not bother because I did not want to take more than
> necessary and was managing well.  However, bearing his suggestion in mind, I
> started taking a half Sinemet CR at midday from mid April this Year.
> This increase seemed to fill the gap for quite a while but in the last month
> am having trouble with my writing and finding a Sinemet CR seems to fade
> sometimes after about 4 hours. With the middle of the day being the problem
> area I increased my midday dose to a full Sinemet CR from 3 days ago.  The
> last 3 days have been pretty good walking up hills, driving, typing and
> playing a reasonable game of boules (a game where competitors throw a
> heavyish tennis sized ball 20-40 ft and try to be closest to a target ball).
> Now here is the part that prompted the title and on which I would be
> grateful for your comments and experiences because it is really getting to
> me.  I can hardly write AT ALL when really "off" and struggle like mad to
> get one signature on paper. The actual writing is VERY tiny and painfully
> slow to perform.  But, at the same "off" time I can throw and catch a ball,
> handle a cup and saucer and even swing a golf club and connect properly with
> the ball.  All these last examples can be carried out in a way that would
> not suggest I had a problem to an onlooker or even myself.
> In fact, to digress slightly, a couple of weeks ago I asked a post office
> counter clerk to help me with 3 lines of an address on a form (explaining
> that I had a hand disability) and received a reply of, "Can you ask someone
> else to help you because there is a queue". (Three people) I went out to the
> car park had my wife complete it and went back to complain. I explained it
> was embarassing enough having such a problem without looking to a queue of
> strangers for help, talk about privacy?  Anyway the reason for this
> digression is that I was told by the counter staff that, "Sorry, but you did
> not LOOK as if you had anything wrong with you".  Goodness, what does one
> have to look like, Quasimodo?
> I have just come "on" while typing this but it is 3h 25mins since the midday
> Sinemet.  I have been taking it a couple of mins before eating but will now
> try 30mins pre meal as I do in the morning.
> Just one more thing, and apologies if I bore you.  This morning the postman
> came early with a parcel.  I woke from deep sleep, cancelled our touch pad
> burglar alarm, rushed down stairs, worked all the bolts and found the right
> keys on the key bunch,and, after coming back upstairs with heart still
> pounding filled a sheet of paper with firm strong writing.  This is 14hrs
> since the last tablet.  Strange? Or do others find the same?
> I know I can manage without writing but it is because the other movements
> are OK that I get so frustrated when I am brought up short unable to write.
> I am starting to worry about presenting my Visa card now!
> To those of you who patiently read what I actually intended to be a fairly
> short request for confirmation that others also had this problem thanks, it
> seems to have relieved me just relating this, but I would really be
> interested in other people's experiences concerning the matter of being able
> to do most things except WRITE.  All for now.
> Ernie.
> Ernie Peters ([log in to unmask])


The problem you experience with the handwriting getting very tiny is
called micrographia.  I have it too, and except for signing my name, I
practically don't write; thank God for computers.  As with you, I remain
able to do most things (climb a nearby mountain and fly-fish, albeit  in
sort of a herky-jerky manner at times) and still work full-time (as
executive director of the State Bar of Montana).

BTW, I've tried a number of things to improve my writing.  I went to a
physical/occupational therapist, experimented with different writing
instruments, etc. but to no avail.  The one thing I've found that can
provide temporary relief is to raise my arms above my head--that seems
to break the spell briefly.

George L. Bousliman
Helena, Montana USA
(age 55; PD diagnosed in 1987)