

>Now here is the part that prompted the title and on which I would be
>grateful for your comments and experiences because it is really getting to
>me.  I can hardly write AT ALL when really "off" and struggle like mad to
>get one signature on paper. The actual writing is VERY tiny and painfully

I agree Ernie.  It IS probably the most frustrating deprivation that pd brings.  Stuck in one postition in bed?  Oh well...........Have to ask someone to cut your meat?  Big deal. Need help getting dressed?  Grin and bear it.

 But to lose the ability to pick up a pen at will and write a quick grocery list, a long letter to a distant friend, take notes at a meeting  or record feelings in a daily journal - this to me is the greatest indignity.  Occasionally my hand responds and will obey my brain's desire to write.....ah!  the wondrous feeling of control as I apply pen to paper and command it to glide and dance across the fresh white surface, or watch the gentle watercolours flow from the tip of my brush .......

                                                                                   ............ THIS must be heaven!

Lynda McKenzie
(pd 9 yrs)