

Mark Atyeo wrote:

(in response to Barb Mallut's statement "... NOTHING about Parkinson's is "trivial" for anyone who has it, I believe".)

 I only wish I had half her eloquence, but then I am only a carer not a

I'll second the wish for Barb's gift of eloquence (and humor), but I'll disagree with his statement "only a carer".  I don't think that there's anything "only" about being a caregiver.

I've watched my Mom have to transform herself from the classical wife, deferring to her strong husband for major decisions and support, to the primary decision maker (including selling a house on her own) who has to remind him every so often that "the kitchen is this way, not that way".

While Dad has had to adjust to the losses of mobility, independence and (at times) lucidity, Mom has had to adjust to the losses of companionship, freedom and her husband.

While Dad takes the drugs, both of my parents are enduring the effects of PD.

Just my take on life.

        Diane McHutchison  (Englishtown, NJ - USA)
        long distance caregiver for Dad -- 68/6+
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