

Hi Barbara Yacos
> My absolute first PD symptom was loss of smell.    It was very gradual - I
> noticed it one spring day when the lilacs were blooming and everyone around
> me was effusing re this wonderful spring thing.  I couldn't smell the lilacs
> but didn't think much about it at the time.   BUT .......

Disappearance of two things *I* really oject to:
1. my sense of smell (and not just because that drops my libido way down
low! :-))
2. my mind! I HATE the loss of control an woollines caused by some of
our drugs!

> PD was what was wrong in l986.  I do miss writing stuff - typing doesn't fill
> the gap at all.  I feel handicapped.  Imagine that!
> It would seem that many of us really miss our ability to write.  but most of
> us can type a little (I'd hate to tell you how long it took to type this
> note)

Have you got any predictive software, Barbara? I have a nice program
called Finish Line, which works with DOS or Windows programs, and
predicts the ends of words or even phrases, so all you have to do is
start typing and it's best guess(es) of how you'll finish it appear
after two or three characters. Then, you just hit the number of the
right guess to put it on your document. If no right guess, carry on

Want a copy? I believe it's shareware.

Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
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Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)