

Yep, I'm awake and it's still dark out.
Actually, this is rather obnoxious since I've been working some
strange hours lately. I'm a "Software Developer and Debugger"
and when work heats up I tend to leave my PC alone.
But here I am and there's nothing else to do. The love of my life
fell asleep in the livingroom and I don't want to wake her, So the
TV and such are out of the question. I can not reach the light switch
so that leaves out books. And yes, you can type by the light of your CRT
if you set the colors correctly :)

I'm logged on to #Parkinsons, but I guess none of the regulars are
awake and bored. That's nice. It means they're asleep or entertained,
that is the assumption I like to make any way.

I started sinemet cr (25mg) a month or so ago. I'm using it at night only
and it seems to keep the right arm from shaking me awake. Tonight was an
exception. That arm was shaking so hard that the cat just leaned against
my hand and purred. (Guess he had an itch.)

When I came home yesterday my one and only handed me a paper bag.
Inside was a book (does anyone have a suggestion on how to keep
a book upright without holding onto it and shaking it to pieces?).
Also in the bag was a card. "Marvin, we've been married 18 years, 8 months,
three weeks, 5 hours, and some odd minutes. I haven't regreted a second of it."
I started crying. I've been concerned since we found out I had Parkinsons,
but have tried not to mention it. I should have known she would figure it out.
I love her, more now than when we first met. Some people say we spend to
much time together, that we should meet new people.
I was lucky enough to marry my best friend. I have other people I like
to consider my friends, some of them I've never met. But Kristen, well,
she, o piffile! I seem to be at a loss for words.

My goodness! The alarm is gonna trip in ten minutes. If I start now,
I can send this, wind my way past the cats, and make it to the bathroom and
Kristen won't be worried 'cause I've only had four hours sleep.
