

Dear Nancy Perry:
I am also very interested in any information you have about nutrasweet
poisoning or it's effects.  I no only have a mother-in-law with Parkinsons,
but a grandmother with the fibromaylgia.  At first the maylgia seemed to be
almost unheard of.  Especially here in Montana.  All of a sudden 3-4 people
in my grandmother's small town have it.  Almost like a small epidemic.  May
I ask what you take for it and any other information you have.  They have my
grandmother on loads of corizone and she is rapidly losing her eyesight and
is in a great deal of pain.  She says that it feels as if someone is cutting
her with a red hot knife.  She at first just had it in her one of her hips,
but just recently it has spread to her spine.  The dr.'s say there is
nothing they can do.
My mother-in-law is also in a lot of pain and she takes eldepryl and she
might have started the sinnemet in very small doses.  i will be sure to tell
her about your messaage about the nutrasweet.

Laura Rogers
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