

At 07:59 AM 9/19/96 -0400, you wrote:
>[log in to unmask] wrote:
>> Anybody,
>> Have you ever heard of Pycnogenol?  What other vitamin and natural (?)
>> medicines are PD people taking to supplement their Doctor medicine?  And my
>> husband has been killing all the dandelions when they might be useful for a
>> cure-all tea?  I've been reading herbal remedy books.  This Pycnogenol comes
>> from the bark of a pine tree?  Maybe cat fur is good for you,  I've got
>> plenty of that around.  I'm feeling alittle down.
>> Patricia
>> 60, 1year,6 months
I'm still a novice at PD (about a year) and have some vague hope that
antioxidants will slow the progress of the disease.  In terms of
prescription drugs, I'm on 10mg of Eldepryl per day.

Supplements I have found helpful are:

Gingko:  Prevents drowsiness in afternoon, seems to make me more alert.
Cell Guard: Reduced stiffness and rigidity in my right wrist.

Anti-oxidants I am taking include:
Lipoic Acid (100mg).
Vitamin E (600 IU)
Vitamin C
Pyknogenol (sp?)

I also take KAL Multiples and Anti-Oxidants which are both rich in the
flavanoids etc.  I guess that there is no way to tell if the anti-ox's are
working except over long periods of time.  My neuro did give a possible nod
of approval for lipoic acid after researching it on Medline.

                Ron Reiner ([log in to unmask])  49 + 1yr