

I read ur listing about your problems with Parlodel.
I had a terrible reaction, paranoia and hallucinations until "I was put on"
Clozoril.  Wonderful drug but a pain in the backside because of the weekly
blood tests which would indicate a sudden lose of white cells leading to

After almost two years of this med and as a result of my May Pallidot.  we
are beginning a serious reduction in all my meds.

It was decided to reduce the Parlodel and Sinemet CR on a controlled basis.
 We are  reducing  the Parlodel weekly.  I now take 7  x  2.5mg a day   EAch
week we;ll be reducing  a 1/2 tab for the next four weeks.   The CR has
already been reduced more than 50%.   AFter a few weeks I will be able to
drop 1/2 tab of Clozoril every few weeks.  I currently take   1 at 0600 and
2.5 at midnight.

Keep me informed on the list of your progress and Ill do the same.
