

At 06:32 PM 9/25/96 -0400,  Barb Mallut wrote:
>Oh oh..... Mary.... there was a gorgeous pale-butter-yellow (or "golden" if
>one wants to wax poetic) FULL moon glowing in the sky last nite...For what
>it's worth.

        Actually it's the Harvest Moon, which often appears to be the
largest one of the year.   Traditionally, it is needed to allow the farmers
to harvest their crops for many more hours each day before the first killing
frost strikes.
        Tonight we will get to see our last lunar eclipse for this century.
Its penumbral stage starts at 9:12 EDT, with the full eclipse beginning at
10:19.    Especially in the Eastern half of the U.S., it will be fully
visible and, of course, absolutely safe to watch with the naked eye.   Enjoy.

                             TRW Spacecraft Operations East
                                    14320 Sullyfield Circle
                                         Chantilly VA 22021
                                             (703) 802-1863