

Can someone please define "tremor".

Last week, in the Dr's office, Bill was having unusually severe uncontrolled
movement, which I had always thought was "dyskinesia".  The Dr has a
nurse practitioner who assists him and has really impressed us with her
knowledge.  In the Dr's presence and with his approval she asked if Bill
would be interested in becoming part of a study that was being done at
UCLA (Univ. of Calif. at Los Angeles).  Bill said he would and the NP said
she would mail us information on the study and after reading it we could
decide if we were interested and let the Dr. know.

Friday we received the information and the procedure is "...high-frequency
stimulation to functionally disable the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus
(VIM), thus alleviating tremor in patients".

Bill has never had trembling hands or head.  Do we know what "tremor" is?
Do we know what "dyskinesia" is?  Right now we're not sure.

Also, what is the best approach to find the "movement disorder specialist"
closest to us in Reno, NV.

Any answers or comments will sure be appreciated.

Bill & Bobbie Cotter  ([log in to unmask])