

This is only my second or so note to the listserv so here goes . . .

Lately there has been a lot of talk about CO poisoning and PD.  My husband
has PD and we believe, whole heartedly, that this what caused his PD.

My suggestion is this - would anyone who thinks that their PD was caused by
CO be interested in sort of an information trading type of thing.  Maybe by
compiling some of our information it could help someone of us along the way.

If we got a list of:

peoples ages,
date of diagnosis,
symptoms upon diagnosis,
medications they have/are been on,
part of the country they lived in when this occurred,
how they think it occurred,
occupation they had when it occurred,
symptoms they stillhave at present,
any other information you deem helpful

If there is anyone out there with information about CO poisoning maybe we can
get together and try and figure this thing out to help everyone affected.

(Jacob D. this is right up your alley!!!!  Maybe we can share some info on
this - that is IF you're still speaking to me :-)

You can e-mail me direct at:

[log in to unmask]

Thanks much and lets see what develops!!