

To all:

RE: nutrasweet

I don't want to wear everyone out with this, but Betty Martini of
"Mission Possible"  [log in to unmask]  email address forwarded me 4 or 5
*long* articles about nutrasweet and the things they are trying to do
to get it changed from a food to a drug, case histories, a bill they
tried to pass, etc...

I hesitate to put them all on at once or even at all.  Because the
Nutrasweet affects Parkinson's, I do want to warn as many people as
possible.  What do you think I should do?  If you want them, I'll
put them on...if you don't, I won't....or if only a few want them, I'll
forward them to you individually.  Since they are rather long, I didn't
want to bog you down with something if you weren't interested.

My main concern is helping my husband be all he can be for as long as he
can be....He is my whole life.  I enjoy the group and you have been such
an inspiration to me.  I know what it is like to fight a disease since
I have fought the Lupus and Fibromaylgia for 17 years....  I'm determined
that as long as I can fight, I will.....old contrary streak I inherited
from my grandmother...ha.ha...


cg john 65 1yr
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