

At 11:35 am 24/09/96 -0400, Barbara Blake-Krebs wrote:

>Ali recently started Artane.  His wife said some doctors are now theorizing
>that Ali's PD was NOT caused by his boxing and would have occurred anyhow.

This is something I have wondered about for some time. All boxers receive
many blows to the head, yet how many do we know have developed Parkinson's
as a result?
Because Ali was so agile and quick, would it be reasonable to assume that he
might not have been hit as often, or was it just that one punch in a
particular spot?

My own theory is that we with Parkinson's have a predisposition, and at some
point in our lives, something triggers it.

I grew up in a rural area and drank well water, as did my brothers and
sisters. I am the only one in my family who never smoked. I was poisoned by
coal gas fumes, as were my younger brother and my mother, but only I have

