

Dianne wrote:
> I'd share these with you, if anyone's interested:  Most common side effects:
> nausea, vomiting, dizziness, light-headedness or fainting, & abdominal
> pains.  Others are: tremors or uncontrolled muscle movements, loss of
> balance, inability to move, increasingly slow movements, facial grimacing (I
> did this just reading about it!HA), falling down due to loss of balance,
> stiff neck, muscle cramps, hallucinations, overstimulation, confusion,
> anxiety, depression, drowsiness, changes in mood or behavior, nightmares or
> unusual dreams, tiredness, delusions, disorientation, feelings of ill
> health, apathy, sleep disturbances, restlessness, weakness, irritability,
> generalized aches & pains, migraines & other headaches, muscle pains in back
> or legs, ringing or buzzing in ears, eye pain, finger or toe numbness,
> changes in sense of taste, dizziness when rising, blood pressure changes,
> abnormal heart rhythms, heart palpitations, chest pains, rapid heartbeat,
> swelling in arms or legs, constipation, appetite loss, weight loss,
> difficulty swallowing, diarrhea, heartburn, rectal bleeding, urinary
> difficulty, impotence, prostate swelling, increased sweating, increased
> facial hair, hair loss, rash, unusual skin sensitivity to the sun, bruising
> or black & blue marks, asthma, blurred or double vision, shortness of
> breath, speech problems, & dry mouth.  THESE ARE SIDE EFFECTS FOR DOSAGES OF

Uau,uau Dianna,this is quite impressive.

I have taken SEL for about 14 months (5 mg),felt nothing except sometimes and then,not
allways,not so easy to remmeber sometimes the rigth word,or name,even tough I may see
mentally the person or the significate of the word.Besides that I have noticed in the
recently(about 2 months ago) that my eyes started to have fine lines flying around the
space laterally.People call "fly" in the eyes.
As for the other side effects mentioned they did not happened to me so far.
> FOOD INTERACTIONS................Couldn't hardly BELIEVE all of this...
> Foods to avoid when on Selegiline:  Chianti & red wine, vermouth,
> unpasteurized or imported beer, beef or chicken liver, fermented sausages,
> tenderized or prepared meats, caviar, dried fish, pickled herring, CHEESE
> (American, Brie, cheddar, Camembert, Emmentaler, Boursault, Stilton, and
> others), avocados, yeast extracts, BANANAS, figs, raisins, soy sauce, miso
> soup, bean curd, fava beans, CAFFEINE, & CHOCOLATE.  (BOY WOULD I BE IN BIG
> TROUBLE!!)  These foods and others can cause severe sudden high blood
> pressure to occur with Selegeline. Your Dr. or Pharm. can give you more info
> on foods to avoid!
> I eat most of the above foods and take hundreds of strong brasilian coffe daily.
None alcooholic drinks.I am a abstene.

> Sorry this is so long, but thought it to be very educational.  Any comments?

I shall reduce my 5 mg to 2.5 for the tiem being anyway and just in case...  :-)
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