

I can't believe the reaction I'm getting, when my only intent was to share
what I'd read on Selegiline.  I gave you the name of the book, etc. so you
could know my reference and in no way was I trying to SCARE anyone, just
give info, as I previously stated!  I realize ALL the even remotely possible
side effects must be listed to avoid law suits, etc.  In no way did I infer
that everyone taking this would experience all the side effects, for
heaven's sake.  That's like most other Rx, etc.  If you feel this is truly
baloney, you might want to tell your doctor to throw away his PDR, as most
generally it also lists every possible side effect as well, as do the
printouts the pharmacists receive w/meds.  I'm sorry you feel this way.  In
consulting this same book (as well as Worst Pills/Best Pills by Public
Citizen's Health Research Group) for many other medications, including
corticosteroids, anti-malarial, NSAIDS, etc. for friends with Lupus, cfs,
fm, and M.S., I found many many side effects and wondered if this was
possible, but now have read on the Lupus forum all the comments from people
who have been using them, some for a short time, some for years, and am now
convinced these side effects are for real.  Feel so bad for those who are
feeling these side effects; unfortunately many organs of the body are
affected further down the road, as attested by these Lupus victims, now many
of whom are losing or have lost kidney function, their hair, are
experiencing muscle weakness, osteoporosis, and/or have gained excessive
weight, etc. etc.
I was merely trying to be of help..I'm sorry if I offended anyone.  I myself
was on a heart medication for 2-1/2 years & I didn't feel any side effects
from it and it was doing the job..but as the cardiologist agreed to what The
Pill Book said, odds were that down the road a few years, it would cause me
kidney problems.  That's when I began to research & found a drug alternative
called CoQ10, which after numerous double-blind studies for years, has shown
no adverse side effects.  It works great and I'm very thankful a friend
pointed me in that direction.
I truly wish you all well and I hope you don't experience ANY adverse side
effects from any meds.

At 01:12 PM 9/26/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hurray for attack language that is tasteful, humorous and  . . . well
>let's see what happens next  . . .!  :-)  thanks to:
>On Thu, 26 Sep 1996, bernardo klainberg wrote:
>> Dear Dianne;   your list is in my   opinion, the biggest bunch of baloney
>> ever seen in a medical board.