

I know this sounds strange but I had to share my experience. I recently
was complaining to a friend about my total exhaustion lately and the
fact I can  fall asleep at the most inoppurtune times. She suggested
putting a drop or two of oil of wintergreen under my nose. I tried it
and although it didn't help my fatigue I was astonished to find within 5
minutes much of the rigidity in my back and sholders had been GREATLY
REDUCED. I have kept this to myself because I assumed it had to be  a
placebo affect. Recently I went out to lunch with some 2 Pd friends and
I shared my experience. One of them has a lot of dyskinesis - It was
anazing and almost instantaeous- her dyskinesis was reduced by 80%. We
were astonished!! Now it didn't last too long and she  had to keep using
it. She also said her muscles felt relaxed. My other pd friend also felt
a decrease in rigidity.
I know this is "out there" but it can't hurt. I would really appreciate
it if others would try this and give me feedback. I purchased mine in
a  natural grocery store-  I am sure health food stores would also carry
it.. Donna