

Hi, Joe, welcome to the best thing that's happened to me in months  -- the
Parkinson Mail list.  I have found it invaluable, allthough my husband's
neurologist views it with a jaundiced eye.  (tough!)
My husband has been on Sinemet for almost 20 years; he was diagnosed in 1972.
 The important thing to remember is that the disease progresses at a
different rate in everyone; there's no rule of thumb.  Also, you may be more
sensitive to some meds than to others.  Eldepryl didn't work for him,
although when it came out he was not newly diagnosed and that's the group
Eldepryl is more recommended for.  A lot of it is trial and error,
unfortunately.  Dave (spouse) also experienced pain in legs and feet; muscle
cramps are common.  He no longer has those.
To George Lussier -- lots of good luck with your second side!  We hereby
grant you the right to bitch and moan for TWENTY minutes a day, should you so
desire.  You are entitled!  When we considered pallidotomy for my husband,
his reaction was NOONE'S DOING BRAIN SURGERY ON ME!   Fortunately or
unfortunately, he was not a candidate anyhow, because after cognitive
testing, it was determined he would not handle the surgery successfully.
As a caregiver, I am really too busy to feel sorry for myself, even
privately.  And with this new Mail list I feel there's a lot of sympathy out
Re:  Humor -- it helps!  We had an appointment with Dave's neurologist
Friday, and Dave's drooling almost drowned everyone in the office.  Finally
the neurologist has an appreciation of the unaesthetic problem - it may not
be painful or life-threatening, but I assure you it's a dam nuisance!  Ok,
that's my complaining for today.  Permitted?
My daughter-in-law suggested that the drooling is caused by atrophying of the
throat muscles; swallowing is difficult.  She learned that at a Parkinson's
support group.  Sounds better than the neurologist's theory, which I won't go
into.    I'm wondering whether some sort of oral exercises would help.
Sorry this is so long.  Feel free to delete me!
Naomi Meyer  CG Dave 68/24  [log in to unmask]