

Interesting, yes, that this has not been mentioned, and I too wonder how
prevelent this is in other PWP.  We who are involved in this journey, both
PWP and CG, get so used to everyday happenings that I think we some-
times fail to wonder if there is something to do to change the occurrance.

Bill can really "come unglued" by answering the telephone.  Dyskinesia
becomes wild and he gets very short of breath (will even hand the phone
to me because he can't make sense to the person on other end of line).
He will have the same reaction to the doorbell ringing and someone coming
in, even if that someone is a dear friend or loved neighbor.  Generally a
member of the family does not get this reaction.

The really strange thing...this reaction is prevalent but doesn't ALWAYS
happen.  Maybe for some reason he is STRESSED to begin with.

Eating seems to be a stressful thing, especially if we are in a restaurant.
But sometimes at home, he will begin getting dyskinesia during a meal
and it will become a full blown ANXIETY attack.  He will be almost unable
to breath, drenched in perspiration and a wild look in his eyes.  Most times
soothing talk, gentle rubbing of his back and shoulders, brushing his hair,
etc. will calm him down.  Other times he will have to take a tranquilizer
(clorapepate 7.5mg) and lay down.  I have to stay with him and continue
the treatment in the last sentence until the pill takes over.