

Hi all,

I'm Coleen :)  My hubby has a shaky left hand, especially in the afternoon,
his left side also quivers sometimes. He is also diabetic so I am learning
about that too.
BTW....he is 67 and I am 33 :)  just to let you know the ages :)
We get along great too!  :)    I am not sure if this is Parkinsons but his
mom had it and also started it around the same age. We are going to see a
neurologist real soon....I have to change the date of our appointment. Also,
he is type 11 diabetic and he takes a pill in the morning and also uses
Nutrasweet which I have read on this list might be of some worry.

Bye for now, Love all suggestions,

Coleen  :-)

I am also a happy reunited adoptee.....