

  Just want to say thanks to all who kept us so  well informed during the
drive to pass the Udall Bill- Jim, Barb, Sherri,Joan,and many others.  It has
indeed been an education in the legislative process.  After the initial
disappointment I'm sure we all will be ready to continue the fight.  Some
thoughts on the subject:

the name Udall in the Bill alienate Republicans and will its usefullness
diminish as the older congressmen are replaced by younger ones who may know
litttle about Morris Udall?

we consider dropping the fetal transplant part if it would help to win some
Ri      ght-to-Life endorsement {to be honest I have felt a little unsure
about this part myself}?

congressman is Dale Kildee who co-sponsored early and promised to do all he
could to help with passage. Would like to hear from anyone else in this
district.......                                      Ellen Figura
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