

My husband's insurance carrier recently changed its mail order pharmacy. As
a result, he had to send his prescriptions for the usual two month's supply
of all of his medications at one time to the new Rx. Without his insurance,
the bill would have been over nine hundred dollars! Ouch!

And I doubt if this is unusual. Like so many PWPs, this includes other meds
beside those classified as PD drugs. He also requires an anti-inflammatory
drug for arthritis, one for osteomalacia, Ambien to help him sleep, and
Lorazepam for those times when his body feels like it had been invaded by
hyperactive worms.

It is certainly no economy to avoid concentrating research funds on a way to
overcome this problem that we share. I suspect the pharmaceutical houses may
not fully agree, however.

Martha Rohrer
CG for Neal (76/11)