

>I'd be happy to hassle a Congressperson in support of PD funds. But, because
>I live in the UK, 800 numbers are not very useful.
>. So perhaps activists
>could write suitable complete text that could be cut and paste. Of course,
>anyone who dislikes the text could ignore it.
>You write it, I'll email it!
>Regards to all.
>Stephen Lofthouse 51/1
I think that is a marvellous idea!!!
 They could do something on the order of
 " There are______ number of Parkinson patients
 in the UK. and __________ number of Parkinson's patients world-wide.
    What a wonderful Peace effort it would be to lead the world in the
cure of Parkinson's Disease.
 Please sponsor the Morris K. Udall Bill".

Maybe an email text for "Parkies" of  the World could be
incorporated into our unified effort in 1997.
I know we have some really wonderful writers who could
do this for us.
How about it Mr. Cordy??

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)