

hi ALL
Our support group has a physiotherapist  give an annual talk--
this is a summary of content.

Carrying the arms bent at elbow and close to the body is caused by one
set of  muscles shortening and tensing (on the front of the arm) while
the opposing muscles are stretched and weakened..

This happens whenever my medication level runs down.
If stretching exercise is not done when the arm is mobile the  muscle and
tendons etc become permanently shortened and this is called a 'contracture'.
Exactly the same thing happens to leg mucsles and other sets all over
the body.  The result is the "folded over" posture we PWP  often have.

Exercise for PWP should stretch the one and strengthen the other.
Upright posture  and arm swing need  constant practice and thought.
To put it politely Parkinsons is a real pain in the butt.
Anne Rutherford <[log in to unmask]>