

I admire your grasp of the political system and realities here. You
flatter us American with your knowledge.

My thoughts on foreign efforts to persuade Congress . . .

The government here might take the whole thing more seriously if they
realize there are people around the world who are WATCHING to see if
Congress will do the intelligent thing and devote research funds to
finding a cure for a problem which is extremely expensive to deal with,
not to mention the unnecessary pain and suffering.

Now your Foreign Secretary idea . . . some might ask, "Why would the
British government start getting involved in our decision to fund (or
not) this research? What has the British gov't devoted to such research,
by the way? (They would ask.) At that level it could look like meddling. On
_our_ level, it just looks like one afflicted person being supportive of
another, regardless of nationality. Which they probably wouldn't even


David Robert Austen
