

On Oct. 2, 1996 Ken Aidekman wrote:

>A cure is not around the corner.  Effective treatment is our immediate goal
>and that will take newer more effective medications along side some of the
>more radical surgeries and genetically engineered solutions that will be
>more common in the years to come.

Ken , I'm glad you mentioned that.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but even if they had a cure tomorrow,
wouldn't the damage already done, be irreversible?
I figure Sinemet & I are going to be going steady for the rest
of my life, or at least until something better comes along.

I'm one who will definitely try the patch if they get it out for public
use soon.  I get busy & forget to take my medications on time,
then I start bending over forward like a wilted plant needing water!!!
However, if you give a wilted plant water it will revive within a few
minutes while it takes me an hour or more!  Think I'm going to have
to quit wearing my beautiful watch my DH gave me for our 25th. Anniversary
& purchase a much larger one which has a timer..

Can't you just see a librarian going down the book aisles, helping a
patron find a book, while her arm is happily beeping away?????  I have to laugh
everytime I think of it!!!!!   Someone is bound to look at me & go SH-H-H-H.

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)