

I joined the list last week and have been invited to introduce myself and tell about my
interest in Parkinson's.

My father, who just turned turned 68, was diagnosed 8 or 9 years ago with PD.  I live
about 800 miles from him with my husband and kids, so I see him only a couple of times
a year.  His neurologist has recommended pallidotomy, but my father has elected not to
pursue this course, at least for now. I am now trying to educate myself about PD and
thought the Internet might be a good place to start.

I was deeply affected by the state of my father's health when he visited two weeks ago.
Although he lives on his own and still has fairly good mobility under medication, the
general condition of his health seems quite poor to me. He looked gray in the morning
and could barely lift himself from the sofa.  He fell asleep spontaneously during
conversation.  His energy and color returned somewhat by noon, although he tires very
easily.  I fear that he may die soon. I have many questions and concerns.  I don't know
whether the symptoms he experiences are "typical" Parkinson's, or whether there may be
some other underlying pathology.  I'm trying to understand how I may be of assistance
to him.

Julie   [log in to unmask]