

FedNet   (Java/RealAudio)
Furnishes live and archived audio coverage of congressional events.
Designed and managed by Cyberworld, Inc. you'll find ongoing debates
from both the House and Senate, coverage of notable hearings and plenty
of press conferences -- right on your desktop. FedNet's Press Gallery
fills you in on what conferences are scheduled for the day. Live audio
transmissions are broadcast daily *when* Congress is in session and are
held in archive for a limited time upon an event's completion.
Schedules, hearing topics and witness lists are all provided to consumers
along with comprehensive links to official Committee Web sites for
background information.

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_/        Central Supply & Services                       _/
_/        PO Box 57247, Jackson Stn.                      _/
_/        Hamilton, Ontario                               _/
_/        Canada, L8P 4X1                                 _/
_/        John S. Walker                                  _/
_/  Email [log in to unmask]                          _/
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_/        "To Teach is to touch a life forever"           _/
_/         On the Web one touch can reach so far!         _/
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