

As I explained to Barb, thanks to legislation establishing the database
(Registry) and the restrictions to access to database, lifting of driver's
license is not a possibility......(only qualified researcher.)

These same restrictions permit accessibility to Mayo Clinic or University of
Pago Pago to conduct the epidemiological study.  This registry is only one
piece of the research...........but the piece that can provide information
about the citizens of a specific area (in this case the state of Nebraska)

Hypothetical case: If Mayo wanted to do epidemiological study of PD in
Nebraska..........they would have to contact every MD in the state (and
surrounding states) for data.............not a simple job. request to state health dept will yield this

Qualified researchers (who worked with the Parkinson's community to promote
this legislation)developed the information to be requested on registry
data...........this is not information being developed by an elected

The Parkinson's community in Nebraska was  involved in this Registry from
step 1.

Rita Weeks