

While John Cottingham's posting re: The Grinches Who Stole Christmas sparked
some interesting dialogue, I'd like to add my two cents to try to get some
positive political support.  Some are deeply offended and others are letting
off steam but what we really need to do is get our legislators to focus on
the real issue around the Udall bill and Parkinson's funding in general.

It is not too early to start shaping the issue for next year.  PWP's and
others who are part of this list or those who want to work to put an end to
this dreaded disease must make their voices heard.  Those who identify
themselves as 'pro-life', Christian Coalition, Christian Right (or whatever
label works for you) have a unique opportunity (and RESPONSIBILITY) to let
your voices be heard.  If Chris Smith was trying to appease pro-life
supporters by putting up obstacles for the Udall bill, let him know that this
is not the way to do it.  Let's not kid ourselves that these are not in fact
mean-spirited actions and that as we will not tolerate such in our elected

The abortion debate is too contentious, too unwinnable, and not even that
relevant to the Udall bill.  Medical ethics and government regulations
clearly dictate the protocols for fetal tissue research.  By law a woman's
decision to abort cannot be influenced by the possibility of the tissue
serving a purpose, such as for research.  Ironically it has been the limited
research using human fetal tissue that has moved the field to the more
promising, and less politically charged area of porcine (pig) fetal tissue
transplants for PD.

Please, to everyone who considers themselves 'pro-life', let the groups who
represent your interests, and the legislators who share your views know that
the Udall bill and Parkinson's research are not the battleground for the
abortion issue.  Those of us in desperate need of a cure must stand together
and help all of our representatives to do the same.

-Lynn Fielder (34/2.5)
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