

Subject: Re: Frustrated with Amantadine

Hello everyone.  From time to time, I read on the list some really far-out
claims and opinions, and I have a quiet chuckle and turn the page. After
all, life would be very dull if we all thought and did the same thing.
And then there is the occasional posting which is so provocative or
outrageous that I just have to reply. (Are you reading this Bernardo?)

Kristin must be wondering what is going on: She is bombarded with advice,
some of which is totally contradictory. Bernardo Klainsbeg would have you
do nothing - in fact he tells everyone to do nothing so frequently,  I
suspect that he is still trying to convince himself that it is the right
thing to do.
  However, before your father rushes off to push the house down, or dangle
from the branch of a tree, he should be aware that the question of whether
it is better not to treat the symptoms of PD has been the subject of quite
a few research projects, and the concensus is that the available drugs
for the treatment of PD (Used properly) do not affect the timing of the
final outcome of the disease in any way. The clock definitely does not
start ticking when you start on levodopa - it started ticking years ago
when the first dopamine cells started to die off.

Regards,  Brian Collins.