

I'd seriously consider up to four containers, with perhaps even four
inexpensive watches, one "attached" to each. After all, isn't it more conveniwent
that the medication can be kept in and  taken in different parts of the

If meds are kept on the dining table, isn't that perhaps an adequate

I do have an alarm clock that goes off at two different times. . . .
I have had watches that had two alarm settings.

Other watchs have more I'd guess.  Try the Casio series, for starters.


On Tue, 8 Oct 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:

> Does anyone know of a watch that can be pre-set for four alarm settings .
>  Does anyone have any other ideas for dispensing the proper meds at the
> proper times to someone who is having memory problems and confusion?  A pill
> box that can be carried and has each dose compartmentalized and with an alarm
> that can be pre-set for the day's dosages is probably OK too.  Can you Help?
> Thanks very much.
> Susan Reese
> [log in to unmask]

David Robert Austen
Masters Degree Program in Information Science
Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana 47405 U.S.A.
Telephone 812 335 8835  Fax 812 335 8598