

Thanks to your encouragement and information received, I finally got the
courage to convince our GP to give my mom a referral to a neurologist in the
nearest major city.  It will be on Oct. 24.  When I called to ask about the
precise location of the office, etc., the nurse told me that new patient
exams normally take about 1/2 hour.  Does this seem reasonable??  Will we be
going home with one or two or three or more different kinds of meds with a
complicated schedule??  Will he try just levrodopa (sic) or sinemet?? Is the
vitamin E I see mentioned part of a regimen or just personal supplementation??

Help us get through this.  Mom needs a wheelchair to get around outside of
her apartment, and transferring her to the pickup truck can be a problem,
although it is much easier than the cars.  I hope we won't have to go all
the time.  Thank you for hopefully helping to make a difference in her life.

BTW, I's like to mention a lady named Sue Calvert, who lives her in Carmi
with her husband, Bob, who has been diagnosed with PD for three or four
years.  She has talked with me a lot about Bob's condition and treatment,
and our appointment is with his neuro.  Anyway, Sue was just named Citizen
of the Year by our Chamber of Commerce, for work with the Historical
Society, Junior Aid, church groups and family.  Neither Sue nor Bob seem to
let the PD keep them from being active.

Cindy Birk Conley, CG for Gladys Birk, 79/1, Carmi, IL

Cindy Birk Conley
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>From Southeastern Illinois to your modem!!