

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your messages! You give such insightful, thought-provoking
comments, it's a treat to have you on board! I've printed off your
Amantadine and Sinemet comments for Dad and am faxing them today. Dad's PD
doc has been "in the PD business" for at least 20 years. He runs the PD
clinic in Milwaukee (a NPF Center of Excellence) and is quite well regarded
by most (I know, I know Jason....). Dad's willing to give him some time to
see how effective he is.  He likes Dr. N and feels he is a good listener,
which is up there on Dad's Doctor Top 10 list.

I must run as I'm at work, (that's where my computer is) and need to get
working on something other than the List.  Just wanted to thank you for your
comments! I truly appreciate your responses!

See you later.