

the small surveys have gotten some responses. I "droned on and on" about
the potential that psychic damage to the brain (perhaps it's homeostatic
system) coming from childhood or later episodes of traumatic illness,
depression, or despair.  the conjecture being that such might be causal of
neurodegeneration initiation.
I remember several instances: childhood nightmares, typhoid fever when 11,
post-divorce depression, deep depression after only daughter (only child of
2nd marriage) was killed by being hit by an automobile in 1978. My
diagnosis was obtained in 1984.
Perhaps it would provide a correlation to those of us having Parkinsonism
and/or dementia of adult onset types.  (surveying only this group would not
be statistically valid.)
FYI - or food for thought - attitude of wanting to live does seem to help
retard disease progression.

ron      1936, dz PD 1984  Ridgecrest, California
Ronald F. Vetter <[log in to unmask]>  (Parkinson group)