

Nicolaus Copernicus stunned the scientific community with the
publication in 1543 of his DeRevolutionibus -- outlining his
heliocentric theory that the earth rotates on its axis and moves with
other planets in orbits around a stationary sun. In 1610, Galileo used
an improved refracting telescope and a series of astronomical
observations to advocate his support of the Copernican theory. The
Church, however, did not look kindly on ANY idea(s) that would
contradict their theological claim that man (and thus, ergo, the earth)
was at the center of the Universe. When it all hit the fan, Galileo was
brought before the Inquisition and given the following option, "loose
your theory or loose your head."
Galileo recanted and was sentenced to indefinite imprisonment. What can
we learn from all this? We can begin to appreciate that the repressive,
suffocating, paranoia of dogmatic religious fundamentalism is a
long-standing tradition in Western culture, and Rep. Christopher Smith
is just one small pawn on a very large and ever-evolving chessboard. We
should also know that we do have options:  contact Smith's Democratic
opponent at and offer your support. MKB