

Hi folks,

Thought I would write in to re-assure Jo and anyone else who was concerned
about eye problems after reading a memo from JO? from Brasil.

The message dated 27/9/96 subject:Selegiline side effects had the following

> >recently(about 2 months ago) that my eyes started to have fine lines
flying around the
> >space laterally. People call "fly" in the eyes.:

This a harmless and natural condition which I have experienced myself. The
"lines" are like fine hairs, sometimes singly sometimes clumped together.
They are only seen properly if you de-focus the eye (sort of glaze your
eyes) and look for them. They "float" around if you try and focus on them so
you can only generally see them by "Sort of looking sideways at them and
trying to catch them by surprise".

They become more obvious against a bright white background ie white tiled
bathroom or wall on a bright day.  They disappear if you focus on something
in the distance.  Beware, if you become concerned by them and "keep checking
up on them" because you then tend to see them more often.  Forget about them
for a while and you will tend not to see them.  When I read the mention of
them I realised that I had not consciously seen them for weeks.  I then
checked and, sure enough there they were.

When I first noticed these I wondered if it might be a PD or PD drug effect.
However my routine visit to the optician confirmed there was no problem and
here is a direct quote from Black's medical dictionary:

"Behind the lens and filling up the greater part of the interior of the
eyeball is a soft, transparent, jelly-like mass known as the vitreous
humour.  The lens and vitreous humour are both of an albuminoid nature in
chemical composition.  The vitreous humour usually contains small specks and
filaments which cast shadows upon the retina when the eye looks at a bright
cloud or whitened wall.  They appear as floating blots or strings, and often
cause alarm when noticed for the first time, but are of no importance and
occur in almost every eye."

Just thought to re-assure on this point.

Julia comes in, "Are you OK?"

"Sure! Why?"

"You've got this glazed look in your eyes"

"Oh, that! ... Just looking for blobs."

Julia, suddenly looking worried, "Looking for WHAT?"

"Read the letter, darling, read the letter."

Ernie Peters ([log in to unmask])