

>        Dear reader,
>   A thought has passed my petty mind of late and it concerns several
>people who have requested assistance with geathering information
>re:Pallidotomy surgery. I have offered to share my recent surgery with you
>all via e- mail,the phone,black and whites or color stills or a video but
>no one has be in touch regarding this project. I had not considered
>charging for the loan arrangement except for postage. Although since I have
>been spending mucho time in my local library looking for funding to cover
>for this project and an expanded version I've begun to think of charging on
>a sliding-scale but that in the future.
>   None of the film is bloody. One might even say that it was done in good
>taste.I'm taking it on the road soon...the local Pd support group. So what
>is it? Do I come across as a jerk or some such thing.
>Frank answers accepted.
>   thanks for listening to my late night moaning but you know I couldn't
>have stayed up this late and been able to use my computer as little as two
>weeks ago so all is well in Acton, Mass this fine late night.
>My Very Best
>  George Lussier[[log in to unmask]
>[log in to unmask]

George, I have to tell you, first of all you have two email addresses
listed and both bounce!!!
Second, one of our librarians made the same offer about his open heart
surgery, with his tongue firmly in cheek, and 5 of our branch libraries
requested 2 videos each!!!  So be careful while you make offer this,
someone is bound to take you up on it!!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)