

>        At 07:25 AM 9/11/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>Subject:Usenet or Listserv
><---- snip ---->
>>The one point with which I have to agree is that as a closed list, the
>>existence of the list may be unknown to many potential members (Unless
>>they are as bad at typing as I am). Is it possible to leave some sort of
>>a signpost in the usenet listings proclaiming our existence? i.e. some
>>sort of advertising to spread the word.
>>Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>
>There's nothing wrong with posting a message in any newsgroup stating that
>the PD Listserv exists.  The only caution I'd give would be to pick medical
>or health related newsgroups only.  This to limit the risk that folks who
>aren't concerned with PD but just want a soapbox of subscribing.  I suspect
>that small statements on web pages advertising the PD Listserv would be as
>effective.  It's rather tough to accidently visit a PD page so we would have
>greater assurance that folks on the list really are concerned with the
>designer disease called parkinsons.  All this wonderfulness, however, is not
>mine to decide, but rather should be a decision agreed to by the list in
>Brian, does this help?
>Jeff part time CG for Becky
>[log in to unmask]
If you are concerned about keeping unrelated people out of the list, why
don't you have somewhere where they could write to to get verified as a PD
person or caregiver before they are allowed to join.  I am sure in this high
age of technology that you could make it probable that there could be a
password or the other end just not accept it unless they were first accepted
by a person.  but what about those that are just concerned and curious about
PD.  I am not a PD person, I only help my mother-in-law out when needed.  I
don't think that even qualifies me as a caregiver, just a potential one in
the future. Besides anything that is unrelated can easily be disposed of.  :)
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