

Hello to all.  This afternoon I'm again writing on behalf of my father (68,
3mos.), who is not yet "on-line". His main symptom, as you may recall, is
hand tremor, enough to make him uncomfortable.  He has had the following
daily meds, which he takes in the morning:

a.   10mg. Eldepryl -> now only 5mg.
b.   100mg. Amantadine for 2 weeks, -> then 200mg./day (doctors
recommendation), now back to 100mg./day

His results (while taking 5mg. Eldepryl daily):

After taking 100mg. Amantadine for 1-2 weeks, he had amazing results! The
tremor almost disappeared!  However, when he upped the dose to 200 mg., he
started to notice his tremor slowly coming back.  So, after a few weeks at
200mg., he dropped the dose to 100mg. to see if he was overmedicated.

Still,... no difference. At 100mg. the tremor is back. Changing from 200mg.
to 100mg. made no difference.  The tremor is at the same intensity whether
he's at 200mg. or 100mg.  He does admit the Amantadine works a little, as
the tremor is better now than it was when he was taking only Eldepryl.

He has tried to modify all variables: taking meds before, then after
breakfast. No change.  He is quite frustrated.  I suggested he temporarily
stop taking Eldepryl, as it can be known to cause tremor. We'll see what
happens.  He stopped taking the Eldepryl today.

Has anyone had a similar experience with Amantadine (or other tremor
reducing meds. for that matter)?  Any suggestions? I'll pass everything on
to Dad.

A huge thanks in advance for your help!

Kristin Delfeld, the frustrated daughter from Boston & Wisconsin :-)