

At 06:54 AM 10/10/96 +0000, you wrote:
>Content-Type: Text/Plain;
>       name="DAMATO.TXT"

>Content-Id: <[log in to unmask]>
>Honourable Senator D'Amato:

>There are a few positive actions you could be spending your energy on!
> Your constituents in New York State are ernestly  seeking help from their
>legislature to focus some attention on The Morris  K. Udall Parkinson's
>Research, Education, and Assistance Act (HR. 1462; S.684) generally known as
>Udall Bill. In the Senate  the bill languishes in Committee when it could
>very well be
>on the Senate floor awaiting the votes of our lawmakers. Put your Waterside
>bed and get on with the good of the nation.  Enough time has been wasted
>in the 104th session. We the citizenry are weary of chichanery,  bickering,
>and politicking.

don b.