

Re: HMO--this stands for Health  Maintenance Organization, a managed care
way of getting to see a doctor. Many folks are being pressured to join
them, rather than see individual docs on a straight fee for service basis.
They can be cheaper, but in some cases are more interested in the profit of
the HMO than in the welfare of the patient, and refuse to refer to outside
specialists. Some pay their docs on a"capitation" basis, which I think means
thay get a sort of commission for the number of people they see. Often the
doc is forbidden to be up-front with the patient about the rules he has to
follow (re: referrals, etc.)  You can tell I'm no fan of HMOs in general, but
I'm sure there are reputable ones, and others may reply with a different
perspective. I'm glad our insurance allows the option of seeing the doc
of our choice, not just those employed by an HMO.
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,78/7 Oxford,OH