

Where do our messages spend the weekend?

I don't understand the new timelag on some messages.  I send messages to
individuals and have a response in minutes from the Czech Rep and Germany and
Missoula Montana.  However, I send messages to the listserv and they appear
whenever they complete their other weekend activities!

1.  I am not set for Parkinsn Digest.
     I am set for repro---I do receive my own message

2:  examples of what I am questioning:
     I sent "More answers on PD Registry" at 7:47 pm on Friday.
message was delivered by listserv at 11:44 pm on Sat.

     I sent "Repost of PD Registry info" at 10:48 pm on Friday    message was
delivered by listserv at 1:20 a.m. on Sunday.

      I sent "Governor response to Registry" at 11:03 pm  Friday  message was
delivered at 1:21 am on Sunday.

Is there a cooling off spot for messages that may create controversy?

(By the way, I am sending this message at 6:30 a.m. on Sun)