

Now that several of you have commented about your distrust of government
agencies and privacy invasion with regard to the Registry of PD patients in
NE.............please check your original copies of the Udall Bill.  I think
you will find that one of the mandates of the original bill included a
Registry of PD patients at the national level.

Perhaps we vote more frequently in NE or know what is going on in our
legislative halls and offices..............but we work with our elected
officials and state agencies.  Most of the people we work with in these
offices are our neighbors and friends....they are not brought in from another
planet.....we put them in office and we remove them from office.  In
Nebraska, the government is still of and by the people.  sorry, that  some of
you live in states without responsible government staffing.
(I am not native Nebraskan.......have lived on both coasts as well as the mid
continent..........only in NE since 1989.)

If you are so afraid of government intervention, why do you want the Udall

There are valid reasons to be opposed to a registry........but I have not
seen them posted in the past 48 hours.  I have seen instead people jumping to
conclusions without gathering facts.  I have seen fear of a government that
is supposed to represent us.

Perhaps Jeff and others will find my comments out of place.
But I would just like to see a little less hysteria and a little more thought
put into what we are seeking in the way of help with the challenges that we

This legislation was written by the Parkinson's community.  Presented to the
legislative committee and PWP pleaded with them to enact the legislation. We
were not duped or drugged into accepting this Registry.    PWPs and CGs
worked with the researchers and legislators in order to bring this to a

Once again, I will challenge any one of you opposed to the registry to
explain to me how an epidemiological study will be done without this
information?  Who will fund this basic tool?
If it is possible to do the study, why hasn't one been published prior to
this time by a valid researcher?
