

Kitty is in a convalescent hospital in L.A. near
her sister who we went to visit.

We've been gone 7 weeks now. At week 3 her swallowing
froze, as it had may times before. But it never
quite returned. After 5 days, I decided to call Kurth
who advised hospitalization. She had brain seizures.
Now only her eye can move back and forth. Her eyes
can follow you around the room. Almost nothing else moves.
She's sustained by a feeding tube in her nose for food and meds.

Glad to see you back on line.  I read my e-mail 'bout
once a week via telnet at a library computer in L.A.

Tonite Ted & Jean Hack, and Dr. Joyce were on the local
news on one channel; then, Dr. Kurth was on Ch 5 about the Pope.
Lotsa PD in the news.

Tried to call yesterday. Your phone machine wasn't on?
Our phone recorder is off, with the electric. I didn't
get back in time to pay the bill.  Been cleaning a putrid
refrigerator for 3 days.  Also lost our food stamps.
If I get them reappied for by Tues. I'll go back to L.A.
until first week of Nov.

Be good babe....

 |       @..@        A.J. CONOVALOFF                                 |
 |      (----)      "The Molokan Cyber-Cowboy"            __o        |
 |     ( >__< )      PSP Support Groups of Arizona       `\<,        |
 |     ^^ ~~ ^^      [log in to unmask]    . . ..(*)/`(*)      |