

Greetings, Bonnie,

It's one of those strange mental processes: "You know, now that you
_mention_ it, all caps DOES feel like somebody is shouting at me." Of course
the writer rarely has that intention, I'd guess. More curious still: why
caps are more difficult to read. By the way, I sign my name in all lower
case.  Much easier, but once a bureaucrat "corrected" me on that one!  :-)

Bonnie, do you have a special mail utility that gives you larger fonts on
the monitor? Some people - wven with perfect eyesight - might be able to
make good use of that if they cannot sit up close to a desk whenever they
want to check mail etc. My dream is to get my mother a web browser
running on a bedside computer. . . . by the way.

Stay well.

On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Bonnie Rowley wrote:

> I am leagally blind, requiring larger print, however I also find all caps
> more stressful. Just thought I'd say my 2 cents worth.
> Bonnie
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