

Barbara Mallut wrote:

  <Will K.... I don't know if Carole Hilton logs onto the list daily, and
  <certainly don't want to steal her 'thunder," but I had a chuckle at your
  <expense with your question about the "Good Sam RV Club."

  <As I understand it, Carole works for Los Angeles' (Yea! My hometown!) Good
  <Samaritan Hospital.  We Angeleanos call "The Hospital of the Good Samaritan
  <(which is, I think, it's "formal" name) the "Good Sam!" <smile>

  <Good Sam is one of this city's oldest and most respected institutions, and
  <by reputation, an outstanding movement disorders team, of which Carole
  <to be a part of.

  <For further information about the movement disorders team at the Good
  <Samaritan Hospital, or about the hospital itself, I'm sure Carole will happy
  <to accomodate those who are interested.

  <Barb Mallut
  <[log in to unmask]

  <From:   PARKINSN: Parkinson's Disease - Information Exchange Network on
  <of Will A. Kuipers
  <Sent:   Friday, October 11, 1996 1:22 PM
  <To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
  <Subject:        Upcoming Neurosciences Symposium

Dear Barbara,

Thanks for setting me straight about the origin of Carole's Good Sam domain.
I find it hard to believe that I never heard of that hospital, but of course I
take your word for it.
The Good Sam RV Club is a nationwide organization, in which the members are
dedicated to help each other.
In my mind there cannot be enough Good Samaritans.
You are welcome to your snicker at my expense, but I had to try.

Will A. Kuipers          ( 75 / dx '91 )
INTERNET:[log in to unmask]