

On Wed 16 Oct, Gary Harrison wrote:
> Hi- I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Gail.  My father is 56, and was diag
> nosed with PD about 4 years ago.  His doctor has prescribed a few different drugs like
>  Amantadine, and now Sinemet.  He has not noticed any change with
> any of the drugs he has been on.  He has even discontinued the prescription for a numb
> er of days to see if any changes are apparent, and there are none.  I remember someone
>  mentioning that you have to find the correct dosage.  His doctor
> hasn't altered the dosages, just the drugs prescribed.  I am wondering if his doctor
> is actually taking an active part in my father's disease.  He lives in Central NY stat
> e.  If anyone is familiar with any outstanding physicians in that
> area that work with PD patients- I am desperately seeking better care for my father.
> I would appreciate any help.  Thank-you!
> Gail Harrison
> [log in to unmask]
Hello Gail. I can not help you find a doctor but I believe that I could comment
on your other question regarding the dosage of the drugs that have been
prescribed. Unfortunately, you have not included any details about dosages that have been prescribed.  If you send that information, we can make some hopefully
useful comments. In particular I would like to know details of the Sinemet: how
much and when does your father takes his Sinemet?

Regards Brian Collins

Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]