

As most of you know Jeff (46/8) has been taking NADH for about 14 months now
and feels it's of great help to him. We are still getting the NADH from
Lebanon Shops Pharmacy; Bill Riley (the pharmacist at Leb Shops) tells me
there are about 40 people ordering NADH (on a repeat basis) from him from
all over the world and we assume most of the 40 got in touch with him
through this group (archives?). So, to the roughly 40 of you 'out there'....

Bill has been asked to speak at a local PD Support Group meeting next month
specifically on NADH and PD (a new NADH PD customer of his has had great
results from taking the NADH). He's prepared to talk the 'technicalities' of
NADH/PD but asked if any/all of you would post the following:
     1.Your thoughts on NADH in general?
     2.Has it helped you or not?
     3.In what way or sympton has it helped?
     4.How long have you been taking it and how much do you take?

Feel free to post your message to the group at large or email directly to me
privately. Bill is very interested in your comments in any form you feel
comfortable offering them. Please send your responses...everything will be
kept completely confidential (no names used); send anonymously if you like.

Lisa Carper
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